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Are You Aware of Medicare Savings Programs?

There are four programs to assist eligible Medicare beneficiaries with costs that Medicare does not pay.  Premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance costs may be benefits as well as prescription drug program costs.  Benefits depend on the program for which you are eligible. QMB:  Income limits are $1325 / individual and $1783 / ...more

Featured Resource for Older Adults and Caregivers

The National Institute of Aging offers several worksheets for older adults and caregivers. Coordinating Caregiving Responsibilities, Home Safety, and Questions to Consider Before Moving an Older Adult into Your Home are a few of the worksheets that can be downloaded.  

It's Income Tax Time!

Scammers know that it's income tax time, too!  Income tax time offers scammers many opportunities to steal our money and personal information.   According to the Internal Revenue Service, common tax schemes include charity scams, retirement tax scams, refund scams, and "dead person filing" scams. Premier Bank offers some tips on being proactive: File ...more

Baby, It's Cold Outside!!

With that being said: Stay in as much as you can. Dress appropriately if you have to go out and limit time outside. Bring your animals in!  It's too cold for us.  It's too cold for them! Check on your families, friends, and neighbors. Be cautious using auxiliary heat. Stay safe.  It's brutal out there!

Holiday Scams

Just a note of caution about holiday scams.  There are many ways that scammers try to con you. Fake ads may promise great deals on holiday gifts but is the site real?  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. In addition to fake ads, there are ads for ...more

Do You Know What Your Medicare Options Are?

Annual Open Enrollment for Medicare runs from October 17 - December 7.  This is when you can change your Medicare health or drug coverage for 2025.  You can join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare drug plan, or switch to Original Medicare.   But - do you know what ...more

Are You Emergency-Ready?

As we end National Preparedness Month, we wanted to offer a few reminders about being ready for a weather emergency.  And - despite the heat of summer, we need to be mindful of the cold, snow, and ice of winter that will be here all too soon. We have seen unprecedented ...more


Panel Discussion on Thursday, September 26 at noon! The Ohio County Public Library, 16th Street, Wheeling will host a panel discussion on services for older adults on Thursday.  Panelists representing several area agencies will discuss services, and area providers will be available to answer questions.  The program is FREE!  Come to ...more

Watch Out for Mosquitoes

We're hearing more about mosquito-borne viruses such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus.  Professionals are telling us that severe cases can be deadly or leave lasting injuries.  Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is rare according to a NY Times report but at least four states have reported infections this year.  West ...more

Do You Have Tips or Hacks?

Do you have any go-to hacks?  Hacks are crafty ways to use everyday items to make life simpler.  What have you done that makes your loved one's life a little easier?  What have you done that makes your caregiving a little easier?  Please share! Here are some examples: * Wrap rubber bands ...more

What Services Do YOU Need? Send us a message

I've talked to many people during my years in social work:  Caregivers, care receivers, independent older adults, students, and colleagues. We've talked about available services and services we would like to see offered.  What are your thoughts?  What would be helpful to you?    There are many services available. Have you used ...more


The temps are supposed to be hitting record highs this week going into the upper 90s.  Please be especially mindful of your older family members, friends, neighbors, and your fur-babies!! Make sure there is plenty of water available.  If your loved one has dementia, you may need to cue them or ...more

AARP Backs 2024 Rolling Stones Tour

I was amazed when I heard that AARP was sponsoring Mick and the guys' American tour. On a few levels.  Amazed that AARP is sponsoring the Stones, amazed that the Stones have been around as long as they have (over 60 years of recording and performing), and amazed that I ...more

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

There's a pretty rich history of sports in the Ohio Valley.  Football.  Golf.  Basketball. And then there is Baseball.  The boys of summer.  The Niekro brothers.  The Wheeling Stogies  The East Wheeling Pirates.  Clinton Little League.   Join us on FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024 from 11:00 am - 12:00 noon for TAKE ME ...more

Activities and Events - What's Out There?

Spring is upon us!  We didn't have a bad winter but it was enough that many of us took a hibernation break from getting out and doing things. I am quite ready to enjoy some summer weather! Keep in mind that taking time to do things you enjoy is healthy.  Self-care ...more

Seeking Guidance: Who can you turn to?

Caregiving affects us mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  It can impact relationships with partners / spouses, family, and friends. So who can you turn to? What do you need?  Perhaps information should be first on your list.  Do you know what's available? Do you know where to find help?  Make a list ...more

Valentine's Day Scams

Love is in the air!  It's that time of year when we buy and receive cards, candy, and flowers.  For some people, it may be especially lonely and they may look for their special someone online.  Artificial intelligence has made it very easy for scammers to fool innocent and vulnerable ...more

Scams Everywhere

Beware!  The Clerk of Courts in Belmont County OH reports that a telephone scam is making its way around Belmont County with scammers posing as representatives of the court.  People are being told that they are being fined $1500 for not showing up for jury duty.  NOT TRUE. The Clerk goes ...more

Don't Get Scammed!

We are generous and especially so during the holiday season.  Scammers count on this. If you're shopping online, make sure you are shopping from a legitimate site and not a counterfeit website.  Look at the logo.  Check the URL.  Be careful about sharing your personal information. Buying gift cards for Christmas?  Beware ...more

Remembering Wheeling at Christmas

On Tuesday, December 12, Steve Novotney will take on a trip down Memory Lane as we look at the Christmas traditions of the Friendly City.  Do you remember The Talking Christmas Tree (photo courtesy of Steve Novotney)?  How about the Cooey Bentz Santa - as well as all the other ...more


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Wheeling, WV 26003

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